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December 25, 2020Digital Marketing failure can cost a lot, Paarami Digital has listed 7 Pointers for Businesses to gain success through Internet Marketing! One day at a Client meeting everything was going as usual until the client decided to ask us an unusual question. The meeting had now taken a different turn. The client asked us about our failures and how we try to avoid them. The idea of talking about avoiding failure struck us at that time. We immediately jotted all the failure we learned from. There is actually a need to talk more about failure than success stories. We came up with the idea of how one can avoid blunders and waste of money because of Digital Marketing Failures. The 7 points we came up with were.
Short Duration, Big Expectations
As we all know, Rome was not built in a day, similarly, the results of digital marketing won’t be seen very quickly. Clients are usually too eager to get business as soon as they promote digitally. Of course, digital marketing is more fruitful than traditional marketing but impatience is not the key. Digital marketing is very impactful after a certain period of time. Clients should be ready and patient for this buffer or testing period. It’s not wrong to expect big from digital marketing but expecting results too quick is. At Paarami Digital, we have various Success Stories but all of have been impactful over a period of time
Not setting up a goal
Promotion via digital marketing can take place in multiple ways; SEO, Social media, Influencers marketing etc. Finding the right path for promoting your business is a crucial step in digital marketing. Going about marketing without any plans or goals is like inviting the danger. Most of the digital marketing strategies fail due to selecting the wrong way of promotion. Companies are like humans; Each one of them is unique in their own ways and each one of them needs a unique path to grow. At Paarami Digital, we work with an Great Approach where in choosing the Right Promotional Strategy is one of the first things we let our Client know and we’ve gained Success in that
Changing Strategies or Ideas Frequently
Having too many strategies and frequently switching between them will spoil your Digital Marketing Campaign. Changing strategies too quickly will create chaos and confusion in the company. A ship without an anchor goes around anywhere. Sticking to one plan will act as an anchor to the business ship you sail on.
Keeping a low budget
The “Saste mai aacha” mantra doesn’t work every time. Keeping a low budget for digital marketing will have no returns. Digital marketing is like a goose who gives golden eggs. One must feed the goose enough so that it stays healthy and gives you golden eggs in return. Investing enough in digital marketing will have a high chance of great returns and good business to the company. Low budget for digital marketing and less food for the goose giving golden egg can be of no benefit in future.
Let the agency get to know about you
A company is every business person’s brain-child. So, one must know thoroughly about his or her company and should be able to display his or her mission and vision about the business very clearly. The agency responsible for digital marketing “must” ask and clear out all the doubts regarding their clients business and goals. Thus, this becomes a two side responsibility, for the agency to ask and the client to answer. An agency who completely understands your company in one go and starts with the marketing straight away without any discussion should be a sign of warning for the company. A student who pays attention to what the teacher is teaching is usually the ones who have the most doubts.
Relevancy score; How relevant is your campaign?
The client and the agency usually get flattered and satisfied by the huge number of views and likes, but all that glitters is not gold. If my post is not able to reach the target audience then what is the use of all the likes and views? A campaign is successful only when it reaches the target audience and business is converted out of it. Targeting the right audience will increase the chances of gaining business. Paarami Delivers Performance. Beyond Likes, Shares and Comments, we deliver REAL Business ROI, Qualified Leads and Increased Reach for sustainable business growth of our Clients through customized digital marketing strategies.
Believing that digital marketing is a part of digitalization
Many digital marketing agencies have a misconception that digital marketing is part and parcel of digitalization. Holding on to this belief, the owner gives his or her son, daughter or the next generation (As the younger generations are well versed with digitalization) to handle their company. Contrary to their beliefs, digital marketing is actually digitized marketing, 80% marketing and 20% digitalization. This is the reason why the sales and marketing department should take active participation in the company’s affair. Yes, the sales department also because they act as a catalyst for better results. A monthly meeting with the sales and marketing department should be conducted for the smooth functioning of the agency.
Failure is the stepping stone towards success. Digital Marketing Failures lead to the burning of a lot of useful money. Avoiding past blunders of digital marketing will help save money. Our motto is to save money by avoiding mistakes and giving our clients consistent 8x ROI through Real Business, Genuine Leads, Expanded Reach for Sustainable and Scalable Business Growth.
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